With a King, it Begins …
Back in 1927 after being consulted by his Royal experts that among other places in the Balkans, the land near the legendary gorge ‘Oemir Kapija’ is most fertile and perfect for growing grapes and wine prod uc­tion, King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic decided to build his royal property there. His ambition was to create a wine and a place with extraordinary quality exclusively for the needs of the Royal Family. The king named the property ‘Queen Maria’ after his wife, Maria Ka radjordjevic.
The Early beginnings
Among other things, the royal estate included a hospital, a church, a kindergarten, as well as the famous villa built for Queen Maria which was named Villa Maria. In 1928 after appointing Milos Leovac from Belgrade as a property manager, the production began. Wine with extraordinary quality was produced in a cellar with a capacity of 500 000 Litres. The wine was fermented in four glass basins designed in Austria and it was kept in wooden barrels with a capacity of 4000 to 6000 litres. The Royal family ensured that their property had the perfect foundation to realise their ambition.
With Commitment, it Continues
Almost a century later, the winery and the property is privately owned, renovated and modified for a very high-quality product. The idea is to combine the charm of the previous century space with the most modern simplicity. Every element, every building, every drop of wine produced in the Royal Winery today represents the history, the geography, the climate, and the essential human touch, a perfect balance between power and finesse, tradition and modernity.
